As we approach the festive season many of us will be heading out onto the road and leaving our homes for vacation destinations. But it’s also this is a time of tragedy as many are injured or lose their lives in road accidents. Therefore, make sure your car is up to the task of getting you there safely and without breaking down.

• Take your vehicle to your nearest dealership for a check-over, which is mainly called a Pre-Holiday inspection.
• Inspect your windows for any chips or cracks and have them fixed before the trip, check that your window wipers are in good working condition or replace them if necessary.
• Make sure that your tyres have an adequate tread of at least 1mm.
• Check that your spare wheel is in good condition and that you have all the necessary tools to change a wheel.

• Ensure you’re in the correct lane and your speed limit is appropriate to the regulatory sign that informs you of the legally allowed speed.
• When changing lanes or making turns, always check your blind spots for other motorists.
• To avoid fatigue, make sure that you get enough sleep the night before, to keep your mind fresh along the way.
• If you are driving long distances, try to drive with a person in the car and if you feel tired or you are about to nod off, open windows immediately and stop as soon as it’s safe to do so and stretch a bit.

CMH Isuzu East Rand would like to wish you all a safe and happy festive season. Let’s all be wise and save each other’s lives.