Firstly, if you do not already own one, visit your nearest CMH Isuzu Dealer and get behind the wheel of your very own Isuzu Bakkie or SUV.
We at CMH Isuzu are proud to offer a wide range of Isuzu Bakkies and SUVs – designed and engineered for South African conditions. Isuzu is known for its reliability, durability, and versatility, not to mention comfort and great looks.
Before “hitting the road” for your December Holidays, let CMH Isuzu ensure that you have a safe festive holiday.

Visit your nearest CMH Isuzu Service Centre
Pop into our CMH Isuzu Service Centre for your pre-holiday vehicle health check. Prevention is better than cure!
If travelling with children, pop into your nearest AA to check that all children’s car seats are in good condition and fitted properly.
Keep your road assistance contact details and VIN nearby
Ensure that you have the Isuzu Roadside Assistance contact details and your vehicle VIN in case of an emergency. If you do not have these details, then contact your nearest CMH Isuzu Service Centre to get the details.
Travel with people to ensure you have a safe festive holiday
If you are driving long distances, try to travel with someone else in the vehicle.
Make sure that the driver and all passengers have their seatbelts on.
Refresh when feeling fatigued
Fatigue affects concentration and judgement and can slow your reaction time. Some obvious warning signs of fatigue are yawning, head nodding or drowsiness.

Avoid fatigue while driving, especially on long-distance trips: start your journey well-rested, take regular breaks, exercise, stay hydrated and eat healthy food to avoid sugar or carb crashes.
Make your driving experience enjoyable
You’ve heard the saying that laughter is the best medicine. Scientists have found that a good laugh can lift your spirits and induce positive physical changes in your body. Laughter releases the feel-good endorphins in your brain, relieves stress and aids muscle relaxation.
Listening to a funny podcast is one way to get giggly behind the wheel. There are hundreds of podcasts available, and many are free. Keep searching until you find the ones that tickle your funny bone.
CMH Isuzu would like to take this opportunity to Wish you and Your Family a Safe and Blessed Festive Season.